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Saturday, April 24, 2010


By Carrie Jones
Reviewed by Becka 

“You just have to face your fears. So, to face them, I chant them. Cheimatophobia, Frigophobia, Psychophobia, Cheimatophobia.”

Zara White, a 16-year-old girl, whose mom made her move to Maine and live with her Grandma Betty because her step dad just passed away, feels nothing is the same anymore. Her Grandma Betty presents her with a car of her own to make her smile just a bit more, and maybe to forget the tragedy of her stepfather’s death. Being obsessed with phobias, Zara knows every phobia known to mankind. On the flight there, she begins feeling someone watching and following her. She continues to have this feeling while living in Maine with her Grandma. Zara didn’t think she could make so many enemies so fast at her new school. Making two best friends along the way helps her find this mysterious stalker. Many boys seem to like her, and she feels the need to make a choice. She keeps looking for this man who follows her so much, and every place he’s been, he leaves behind golden dust. Confused Zara continues to search.

This book is great: The book Need is great because with each page I turned, I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I found myself more and more mesmerized as I read on.
*This book can be found at your local library or bookstore.  The Birmingham Library offers other titles by this author. 

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